We Can’t Wait to Meet You
Welcome to Fishkill Baptist Church! Our hope is that wherever you are coming from in life, you would join us in finding your deepest and most satisfying joy in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship Service: 10:30am
Our worship service typically begins right on time, so it is a good idea to plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Complimentary coffee and pastries are available in the foyer 30 minutes before the worship service begins. Check out our Parking Map for information on where to park when you arrive!
Fishkill Baptist Church
107 Route 82, Fishkill, NY 12524
Joining us with Children?
Children of all ages are welcome to be present for all or part of our service. Squirmy kids and a little noise is not a problem. We believe that while children may not fully understand all that goes on in a service, there is great value and learning that takes place as they observe you and other adults engaged in worship.
Nursery Care
Infants and toddlers up to age 3 are cared for in our nursery by carefully screened, loving volunteers on Sundays during the Worship Service. Parents are kept in contact via text messaging if their child needs them for any reason. Children ages 2 and up engage in free play, and have a snack time while in nursery. Please notify the nursery workers about any food allergies your child may have. To check your child into our nursery please visit the Kids Check-in counter in the foyer before the service. A friendly volunteer will assist you.
Children’s Church
While children are welcome for the duration of the service, if you prefer to send your child to our Children’s Church for an age appropriate Bible lesson you may do so. Children, ages 4 through 2nd grade, will still join your family in our worship service and be dismissed to attend Children’s Church right before the sermon.
Our children’s safety is paramount. Each teacher and volunteer who works with children at FBC must be regular attendees who have completed children’s safety training and have passed a full background check.
Come however you feel is most appropriate for you. We have no dress code. Others in attendance will wear anything from jeans to a suit and tie.
Jesus Christ and His saving work for the joy of all people is the focus of every worship service. We celebrate and encounter God through the public reading of scripture, singing, prayers, and the preaching of God’s Word. A typical service lasts about 75 minutes.
As you enter our sanctuary, one of our ushers will give you a worship guide. This guide will walk you through all the elements of the service that morning. The worship guide also contains a prayer sheet insert with specific ways our members are encouraged to pray for one another throughout the week. There is also a bulletin insert with relevant church news and announcements.
Offering plates are passed and members are encouraged to give as an act of worship and gratitude for all that God has done for them. Giving is never required and always done freely. Everything given is used to support the proclamation of Jesus for the joy of all people through the local ministry of our church and our missionary partners around the world. Over 20% of everything given goes directly to our missionary partners.
Every sermon’s main idea and supporting points are derived straight from the Bible and highlights the same grace needed to both know Christ as Savior and grow in Him as Lord. True joy is only found in Jesus and the motivation for true heart change comes only by knowing His grace. A typical sermon is between 30-35 minutes long.
Sunday School is an extended learning time that occurs September-June. Children two and up are taught in their respective age groups during the Sunday School hour. Teachers use a variety of hands-on activities to teach Bible verses and Bible stories. Please check your children in at our Kids Check-in counter in the foyer. A friendly volunteer will assist you with the check-in process and direct you and your children to the appropriate class rooms. There is currently no nursery care offered during the Sunday School hour.
For adults, there are typically two elective class choices. A greeter in the foyer will be glad to assist you in finding the class you are looking for. Sunday School is from 9:00am to 10:00am.
Plan Your Visit
Are you ready to visit Fishkill Baptist Church soon? Letting us know in advance can make your experience even better!
By informing us of your visit, we can connect with you in advance and answer any questions you may have about our church, our community, or our services. We know visiting a new church can be intimidating, but we are excited to welcome you and help you feel right at home.